For information and support on:

  • Company Master Data
  • Invoices upload
  • Payments and Invoices details

You can write us to fatturaelettronica@eni.com

For all other issues:

please contact our SERVICE OPERATIONS SUPPORT writing to ebusiness.support@eni.com or calling +39 02 3700 6070; the phone service is active:

From Monday to Friday
from 8.30 AM to 6 PM (CET - CEST) in italian, english and french
from 6 PM to 11 PM (CET - CEST) only in english

from 9 AM to 5 PM (CET - CEST) only in english


Frequent questions
How can I register to eniSpace?

Click on Log in on the top right and follow the guided procedure for the registration.

Who can register?

Both companies that want to begin their collaboration with Eni for the first time and companies that already are Eni suppliers.

If your company wants to collaborate for the first time with Eni, you will be guided through the Application Registration and you will be enabled to send your application.

If your company is already a supplier, you will be guided through the Master Registration.

Who is the Master User?

The Master User is the person your company designed to manage autonomously its users and to enable them to the different eniSpace functionalities.

To become a Master User, you will have to be formally appointed by your company Legal Representative: use this template, fill and sign it in and upload it when requested during your registration process.

My company already has a Master User: how can I access eniSpace functionalities?

You have to ask the Master User to enable you.

My company has appointed me to replace the current Master User: what do I have to do?

If you already have login credentials, access your Private Area and click on the pencil-shaped icon inside the "Master" box.

If you are not yet an eniSpace enabled user, click on the Log in button located at the top right of the platform pages and follow the registration wizard.


What can I do if I forgot my password?

Click on Log in on the top right and require a password reset through the option "Forgot password? Retrieve it"; you will get an email with a new password that you will have to change at the first access in your Private Area by clicking on the icon with your initials shown on the top right of the page.  

I forgot my username to enter Private Area of eniSpace, what can I do?

The username is the email address you furnished to be enabled as a user.

If you need help, please contact our Service Operations Support.

My user profile is blocked, what can I do?

A user is blocked if a wrong password is entered for five times in a row.

If this is your case, please contact the Service Operations Support.

I’m interested in being enabled to other functionalities, which I can’t access today, what can I do?

If your company already has a Master User, ask him/her to enable you to the functionalities you are interested in.

If your company doesn’t have a Master User yet, you have to make a request by following the Registration procedure.

If your company is not an Eni supplier yet, you cannot be enabled to functionalities other than application sending

I am a Master User, can I enable more users with the same email address?

No. Each user must have a unique email address, different from other active users.

I am a Master User and I want to enable a user whose email address contains special characters, is it a problem?

Yes. The email address used can’t contain special characters.


Which information can I find in "My Company Data" section?

In this section you can find your company master data as registered in Eni financial systems, verified through the CRIBIS database

What can I do if I find mistakes or missing data in "My Company Data"?

If your profile is enabled to this functionality, you can enter "My Company Data" section and, through the editing function, ask for the update of general records, except the financial ones, and contacts.

With regard to bank records, you can indicate those to be used for the payments of your invoices, adding new ones if necessary or deleting those you no longer use.

What happens if I delete a bank record from the "My Company" section?

The cancellation of a bank record from the “My Company” section involves its permanent block, without the possibility of restoring it. Eni therefore suggests that you delete only the bank records for which the relationship with the credit institution has ended.

If you need to restore a bank record deleted by mistake, access the "Send communication" function in the "My Invoices" menu, select the topic type "Update bank account details" and include in the message the details of the bank account you wish to reactivate.

Please note that, from the moment you enter your request, it may take up to two working days for the data to be visible in the "My Company" section.

On which bank account can I direct the payment of my invoice?

Payment of your invoice will be made at the bank account indicated on the invoice itself, as long as these references are present in the appropriate "Manage Payments" box in the "My Company" section.

Why the banking details are both referred to “ENI Company” and “Versalis SpA, Ing. Luigi Conti Vecchi SpA”? Which ones should I use?

This difference depends on the application of a different system for the Companies Versalis SpA e Ing. Conti Vecchi SpA from the other Companies of the Group.

If you issue invoices towards these two Companies, you need to indicate the banking details to use for the payment in the dedicated section.

Where can I find instructions on the functionalities and / or systems available on eniSpace?

Functionalities manuals are available by accessing your Private area in "Manuals and Forms" section.

For Contracts Management and Eni Subsidiary Tenders systems, manuals are available in “Other systems” section (find the section at the top of the page).

I was told to download some documents from eniSpace, where can I find them?

The documents are available by accessing to Private Area in the "Manuals and Forms" section.


My company is a Qualified Eni Supplier for some Commodity Codes: can we apply to collaborate with Eni for other activities?

Yes, you can send an Application to require the extension to other Commodity Codes in the "My Applications" section of your Private Area, if your profile is enabled to this functionality.

My company is part of a Group, can we apply to collaborate with Eni?

Yes, in the case your company is part of a permanent group (Consortium/Joint Venture/Cooperative). In this case you need to choose to which group your company belongs in the section "Structure and Financial Data >> Company ownership information, in the Application questionnaire. You also need to provide some information details (Company Name, VAT Number, Business description and participation share).

My company was born recently, can we apply to collaborate with Eni?

Yes, as long as it is able to provide a copy of at least one Financial Statement for the previous year, it can show significant references on the activities in scope for the application, it has all the authorizations/licenses needed (if applicable) and it has an internal company management system.

Does an application guarantee the collaboration with Eni?

No. An Application, as well as a Qualification, doesn’t guarantee any commercial agreement with Eni.

How can I apply for an Eni Subsidiary that I can’t find on eniSpace?

If the subsidiary of your interest is not available on eniSpace, you must contact directly the local Vendor Management offices.

How can I choose the Commodity Codes for my application?

First you need to identify your core business, in which field you have a proved experience, and verify you have all the necessary authorizations/licenses (if applicable); then you then need to find the product or service you want to work with among Eni’s Commodity Codes.

In case you can’t find any opportunity consistent with your products or services among Eni’s Commodity Codes, we suggest you to select the most similar area; during the application evaluation phase, if interested in your offer, Eni will find the most similar Commodity Codes, on the basis of the documents and references you provided through the questionnaire.

How many Commodity Codes can I choose?

It is possible to choose a limited number of Commodity Codes, generally depending on the basis of the Eni Company you selected for your application (e.g. Eni Spa allows to choose max. two Commodity Codes); in the case you try to apply for more Commodity Codes than allowed, you will get a blocking message.

We want to specify, however, that if it’s the case Eni can evaluate the opportunity to extend the application object to other Commodity Codes of mutual interest.  

Which information should the reference required in the questionnaire provide?

The detailed description of your company activities in the last 5 years, with its own employees and resources, if relevant to the business area you are applying for; in case the activities have been carried out in subcontracting, group or consortium, you will have to specify the in-scope role and activities your company has provided.

Does Eni require my company to have certified Management Systems?

No. Eni does not require mandatory certifications, but the candidate company must have an implemented internal management system, compliant to international standards and rules (e.g. ISO 9001, ISO 14001, BS OHSAS 18001 or other applicable rules).

I’m filling the questionnaire in and I found the request to download some documents from eniSpace, where can I find them?

The documents are available in the "Manuals and Forms" section in your Private Area.  

I need to make some changes to the questionnaire, what can I do?

You can edit the questionnaire until the moment you send it, by accessing your Private Area in "My Applications" section. Once the document is sent, it will be not possible to edit it anymore. Eni will contact you, if interested, to require updates and/or additional documents.

How long does it take for Applications to be evaluated?

Applications are evaluated according to Eni specific priorities, on the basis of a need planning and/or by the terms established by the law in the case of a Qualification Notice.

Can I check my Application status?

Yes, it’s possible to check it in your Private Area, in "My Application" section, if your profile is enabled to this functionality.

How will I receive a feedback on my Application?

You will get an email at the address you wrote in the questionnaire, both in the case of a positive or negative result.

How long do I have to wait to send another application?

Normally, between an application and the following one, there is a waiting time that may vary according to the previous application result. You will find specific information on the waiting time in the feedback email you will receive. If you are not eligible for a new application, you will get a blocking message that will notify you about the waiting time.


My application ended successfully, how does the Qualification process start?

Your application will be inserted in Eni Qualification activities and will be processed according to the workflow and business priorities established by Eni.

When the process starts, you will be contacted via email with details on following steps and required documents.

What type of assessments does Eni perform during the Qualification phase?

Eni makes its own assessments through a documental analysis and, if necessary, also through on-site verifications of HSE-Q management, technical and know-how, organizational, economic-financial, sustainability, compliance and ethical reputational reliability aspects.

For further details visit the Collaborate with us section.

Does the Qualification process come at a cost?

The activities of Eni's Vendor Management, Technical Units and HSE-Q involved in the Qualification process, aimed at developing and growing Suppliers, are several and complex (for details on the Qualification Phase, visit the Collaborate with us section).

To partially cover the internal costs incurred by Eni to carry out the Supplier Qualification and Development process, a contribution is requested; the amount is calculated on the basis of the risk level of the relevant Commodity Code (click here for details).

How can I know my Qualification status?

You can check your Qualification status in your Private Area, in "My qualifications" section, if your profile is enabled to this functionality.

Which opportunities can a qualified Eni supplier have?

A qualified company is part of the Eni supplier lists and it can be invited to tender processes consistent with the business areas and requirements for which it is eligible (however, this does not guarantee any commercial agreement with Eni).


Where can I enter the information for my company’s Anti-Mafia certification?

In the "Anti-Mafia" section of your Private Area, which you can access only if your profile is enabled.

When should I enter the information for my company Anti-Mafia certification?

You can enter the information any time and you can keep them updated in case of any company structure variation. We recommend you to enter this information if you want to take part in a tender process.


I was invited to take part to an electronic Tender published by a foreign Eni Subsidiaries. Should I register to eniSpace as well?

If you got the invitation to participate from a foreign Eni Subsidiaries, you don’t need to register to eniSpace. Just enter "Other systems" section, which you can find in the menu shown on the top of the page, and select the electronic tender system you are interested in, from those listed in the Eni Subsidiaries Tenders box.

In the "My Tenders" section, can I also find the results of the tenders in which my company participated?

No. The summary you find in the My Tenders section includes the list of tenders to which your company has been invited, divided into "Open Tenders" (tenders with deadline for submitting bid not expired) and "Closed Tenders" (tenders with deadline for submitting a bid expired).

To consult the contracts awarded to your company, access the "My contracts" section.

How can I access the Bid4You App?

Through the "My Tenders" section of your Private Area. It is not necessary to use the OTP.

Which browsers are supported by the Bid4You App? Can I also access from mobile?

You can access the Bid4You App from all devices (pc, tablet and mobile phone); supported browsers are Chrome, Safari, Mozilla Firefox, Edge, Internet Explorer 10 and 11.

What are the tools available when I access the Bid4You App?

By accessing the Bid4You App you can:

  • view the details of only the tenders in progress or closed of your competence
  • view the content of the Request for Quotation by clicking on the number of the tender of interest and download the tender documents in the Administrative, Technical and Economic sections all at once, by clicking on "Download" button
  • create your bid through the "Bid Management" button and upload the documentation in the Administrative, Technical and Economic sections

The tender to which I was invited is not my responsibility, can I reassign it to a colleague of mine?

You can independently reassign the tender to your colleague before creating the bid by clicking on the "Tender Reassignment" button (you can only reassign the tender to users of your company who are enabled for the "My Tenders" feature).

How can I communicate my intention not to participate in the tender? If I have confirmed my willingness to participate in the tender, will I still be able to decide to renounce later?

You can express your will not to participate in the tender by clicking on the "Tender Withdrawal" button and attach the document provided for the specific case in the relevant pop-up (refer to what is indicated in the Request for Quotation). From that moment on, you will no longer receive notification emails regarding the status of the Tender in question.

The Bid4You App allows you to withdraw from the tender even after sending the confirmation of participation, however refer to what is regulated in the Request for Quotation.

I was invited to a tender and in the RFQ I found the indication to download documents from the eniSpace platform, where can I find them?

The documents are available in your Private Area, in the "Manuals and Forms" section.

How can I access the Tender Clarification section?

In order to access the Tender clarification section, you have to click the "Bid Management" button and accept the "Technical instructions for participating in the tender".

You will then be able to send or view requests for clarification.

Who will be able to view the requests I enter in the Clarification section of my bid?

Your requests for Clarification are visible only to the buyer who is following your Tender.

How can I find out when documents are published in the Clarification section of my Tender?

When the buyer publishes documents in the Clarification Section of ​​your Tender, you will receive an email notification from the address "Sist. Integrato Approvigionamenti".

Is there a maximum file size that I can upload in the "My Bid" section?

Yes, the maximum size for individual files is 30MB.

What are the file extensions that I can upload in the "My Bid" section?

The main extensions used are allowed (.pdf, .p7m, .zip, .rar, .tar, .7z, .docx, .xlsx, .pptx, .txt and .jpg).

Is digital signature always required? And the timestamp?

Where possible, and not otherwise indicated in the Tender Documentation, we recommend uploading digitally signed documents (both with PAdES and CAdES protocol).

The time stamping of documents is required only for those tenders identified as "Digital Signature Tender"; in this case, if the uploaded documents do not comply with this condition, an error message will appear.

Is a One Time Password (OTP) required to access the Bid4You App?

No. The Bid4You App is an integral part of the eniSpace platform and you can access it through the "My Tenders" section of your Private Area.

However, in the submission phase of the bid, in order to ensure greater security, a validation procedure is provided by inserting a verification code that enables the "Bid Submit" button.

We remind you that enabling the "Bid Submit" button does not entail any obligation to submit the bid; we therefore recommend that you enable it well in advance of the deadline of the tender.

How do I get the verification code? And how long is it valid?

By clicking on the "Verification Code Request" button you will receive the code by email to your address.

This code must be used within 15 minutes from the time of the request. If not used within this time interval, you must always request it again using the appropriate button.

Validation takes effect for the duration of the current session. In case of disconnection, in order to send or withdraw the offer you will have to generate the code again and repeat the validation process.

When can I send the bid?

You can proceed to send the bid, after entering the verification code, at any time before the tender expires, Eni will not be able to access your bid until the date indicated as the offer submission deadline.

When will I be able to view the Summary Report?

You will be able to preview the summary report throughout the bidding process by clicking on the "Summary Report" button.

The Summary Report will contain, in addition to the summary of the attached offer documents, also the Request for Quotation number linked to the transmitted offer.

I realized that I had made mistakes in the bid I presented. Can I withdraw it to be able to send it again?

You can withdraw your bid before submission deadline by clicking "Bid Withdrawal" and after the validation process through the verification code.

After bid withdrawal you'll have to submit your bid again before submission deadline.

If you don't submit your bid before submission deadline the bid will not be submitted.


How can I see my company contracts?

You can find them in the Private Area in "My Contracts" section, which is available if your profile is enabled to this functionality.


Which functions are available by accessing "My Invoices" section?

By accessing the Private Area, in "My Invoices" section, you can:

  • send electronic invoices to Eni and related subsidiaries (only for non-Italian suppliers or for suppliers on non-favorable tax conditions)
  • see invoice status in real time
  • see the details of processed payments
  • see and require, with the proper protection, the editing of some company information
  • access the relevant communications

Which information can I find in the "My Invoices" section?

In this section you can find the list of the invoices you addressed to the Italian Companies of the group (you can see the list here), their status and the information on the payments you received.

I am an Italian subject, can I send my invoices through eniSpace?

No, Italian subjects are not enabled to send invoices via eniSpace. In Italy you have to issue electronic invoices through the Interchange System – SDI – belonging to the Revenue Agency.

eniSpace is connected to SDI and receives automatically all the invoices addressed to Eni Companies; to be sure they are addressed correctly, it is advisable to indicate the right destination code for the recipient Company. You can find the invoicing codes here.

I am an Italian subject on favorable tax conditions (e.g. fixed share), can I send my invoices via eniSpace?

Yes, if you decide not to use the electronic invoice, you can still use the "Invoices Loading" function (available in the Private Area under the menu item "My Invoices") to upload the essential data of your invoice and attach it in .pdf format.

In order to use this function, you must ask to be enabled by sending a specific request to fatturaelettronica@eni.com.

I am a non-Italian subject, can I send my invoices via eniSpace?

Yes, non-Italian suppliers can use the "Invoices Loading" function (available in the Private Area under the menu item "My Invoices") to upload the essential invoice information and to attach it in .pdf format.

I have to send an electronic invoice to an Italian Eni Company. Should I follow any rules to fill it in?

Yes, you can find all the information here.

On which bank account can I direct the payment of my invoice?

Payment of your invoice will be made at the bank account indicated on the invoice itself, as long as these references are present in the appropriate "Manage Payments" box in the "My Company" section.

Who can I contact for any invoicing problem?

Please write to fatturaelettronica@eni.com.

Will I still receive payment notices?

If your profile is enabled to "My Invoices", you won't receive any notice; information on invoices status will be available in "My Invoices" section, including information on the related payments, in the dedicated “Invoices and payments status display” section.