Health Emergency
Provisions on Health Emergency

Eni's main objective is to ensure conditions of health and safety in the workplaces. To this end, in all Eni offices and operating sites, all the necessary measures are adopted in order to counter and contain the contagion from Covid-19, to comply with the provisions issued by the government and public authorities and to ensure the correct management of operating activities, taking into account the peculiarities of the different workplaces.

All the measures defined and adopted by Eni are set out in the Sars-CoV-2 pandemic response plan, attached to the Medical Emergency Response Plan (MERP) present at each Eni site/headquarter. Suppliers are required to request a copy from the contract manager before entering Eni sites for the activities covered by the contract and to adopt all the measures indicated therein for the safety and healthiness of the workplace, in relation to the risk scenario indicated.

Below is a summary of the prevention measures adopted.


Hygiene and prevention measures

All workers must in the first place constantly and carefully adopt all the general health and hygiene prevention measures useful to reduce the risk of infection provided by the WHO and by the reference health authority. These are periodically updated in relation to the evolution of the phenomenon by the legislation issued time after time, such as:  washing hands frequently, avoiding contact with eyes, nose and mouth, covering nose and mouth in the presence of sneezing and coughing, wearing a surgical/FFP2 mask, according to the situations expressly indicated in the Client's Protocol..

Furthermore, the following additional measures are adopted in order to access to and stay on Eni sites:

  • Prevention and behavioral measures, safe distancing and personal hygiene / sanitization in Eni workplaces;
  • Measurement of the temperature at the entrance to the sites; access is forbidden if temperature is higher than 37.5 ° and in the presence of respiratory symptoms (cough, difficulty in breathing);
  • Adoption of cleaning and sanitizing protocols for workplaces according to ISS guidelines (rooms, workstations, common and leisure areas).
  • New methods of access and control at Eni sites that verify, even on a sample basis, the possession of the valid COVID-19 green certification (so-called “basic” or “reinforced” green pass) or the certification of exemption from vaccination upon entry and / or inside of sites.

Medical and personal protective equipment (PPE)

Each Employer ensures the supply of suitable PPEs to its staff, according to its specific risk assessments and the type of ongoing activity.

In Eni workplaces, the minimum safety distance and personal and areas hygiene/sanitization measures are adopted as a priority measure of prevention and protection to safeguard the health and safety of workers.

Table 1 indicates the areas of use, the figures and work situations which, in addition to the technical/organizational prevention measures (e.g. maintaining the minimum safety distance, sanitary measures, physical barriers, etc.) provide for the use of medical and personal protection devices.

Access to workplaces

Access to Eni offices by visitors/guests/contract workers is restricted to situations of actual need.

In compliance with the regulations in force and for the duration by them defined, for the purposes of accessing Eni sites, it is mandatory to possess and exhibit, at the request of the person in charge, the valid COVID-19 green certification (so-called green pass) or the vaccination exemption certification.

From February 15, 2022, workers with an age equal to or greater than 50 years of age, subject to the vaccination obligation, are obliged to possess and exhibit one of the COVID-19 green certificates of vaccination or recovery (so-called reinforced green pass). The obligation also applies to those who turn 50 until June 15, 2022.In the case of contract awarded suppliers who must be able to carry out their activity at Eni's offices, the acquisition of a specific information sheet signed by the supplier’s Employer is envisaged (Information Sheet - Communication to suppliers – Covid-19 Emergency Attachment VII to the MERP). The Employer must sign for acknowledgement the specific information sheet received from the contract manager, also ensuring the verification of compliance with the possession of the green pass by its workers who carry out activities at Eni sites and by renewing the signature at each change in the personnel employed in the contract.

Before entering Eni's offices/sites, the contract workers are required to sign a specific Self-declaration form (Self-declaration form for entry to Eni sites). This self-declaration is accompanied by the Information on the processing of personal data, the prevention behavioural and sanitary measures to be adopted in Eni workplaces, the correct use of masks, the conditions for access to company sites in the event of quarantines, isolation and self-surveillance. It will be signed for acknowledgement one-time with respect to the validity period of the access badge to Eni sites, and in any case whenever requested by the client.

Moreover, the following is envisaged:

  • the detection of the temperature at the entrance of the buildings through thermal imaging camera and/or remote infrared thermometers, at each building.
  • the verification of possession of the covid-19 green certification or exemption certification in compliance with the legal requirements and in accordance with the procedures established by current legislation.

In case of failure to show the green pass, detection of an invalid pass or if the green pass is missing, the worker will not be able in any way to access or remain at Eni sites and the violation found will be communicated to the Employer of the same. If an irregularity is found, the Eni Employer, in compliance with the regulations in force, will make communications to the Prefect in the cases and in the manner prescribed by current legislation.

Access to Eni offices is safely regulated for company professionals whose presence is required for business continuity.

In addition:

  • for the staff of suppliers, entry, transit and exit procedures are identified, through predefined routes and times, in order to reduce the occasions for contact with the staff in force in the departments/offices involved. Toilets dedicated to contract workers will be provided inside the office buildings;
  • movements within the site must be limited to the minimum necessary and in compliance with company instructions;
  • the meetings are held in remote mode, through videoconferencing/streaming systems as a priority. Where the meetings are characterized by the nature of necessity and urgency, when remote connection is not available, they can be carried out in presence in compliance with the following provisions:
    • in case of moderate impact: the number of participants admitted to the meeting rooms cannot exceed 50% of their nominal capacity;

    • in case of high impact: the number of participants admitted to the meeting rooms cannot exceed 30% of the nominal capacity of the rooms and in any case the maximum number of participants in presence cannot exceed 6. In this case, the use of the FFP2 mask for the duration of the meeting is mandatory.

  • the drivers of the means of transport must remain on board their vehicles: access to the offices is not allowed for any reason. For the necessary preparation of loading and unloading activities, the transporter must comply with the strict distance of at least one meter.

Access to gathering areas

Taking into account the provisions of local and/or national health authorities, adequate restrictive measures may be envisaged which include, in relation to the type of workplace:

  • modification in the method of access to the canteen service (including the areas connected to catering used by shift workers);
  • limitation in the method of access to refreshment areas (e.g. cafeterias, bouvette and guest-houses);
  • temporary limitation and regulation of training activities allowed in presence and of internal events;

Access to common areas, including company canteens, toilets, changing rooms is subject to quota restrictions, with the provision of continuous ventilation of the premises, a reduced stay time within these spaces and with the maintenance of the minimum interpersonal safety distance among the people who occupy them.

Protection of "fragile" workers

Eni, in line with current legal, contractual and corporate provisions, adopts a series of actions aimed at protecting the so-called "fragile workers", namely those who, due to specific personal health conditions, may be more exposed to the risk of contracting the virus or suffering an aggravation of their pathology according to the regulatory provisions.

The maximum collaboration of all Eni suppliers is required in order to adopt the provisions issued by the competent Institutions and to observe the consequent envisaged protection measures. The suppliers must promptly inform their staff and ensure appropriate awareness of the importance of complying with the behavioural instructions and of promptly reporting any doubt or operational criticality related to the application of the aforementioned measures to the Eni contractual manager of reference.

Management of "suspected cases", "confirmed cases" and "close contacts": quarantines and isolation

The maximum collaboration of all Eni suppliers is required in order to adopt the provisions issued by the competent Institutions and to observe the consequent envisaged protection measures in case of management of suspected and confirmed cases, in case of quarantine, isolation or self-surveillance. The suppliers must promptly inform their staff and ensure appropriate awareness of the importance of complying with the behavioural instructions and of promptly reporting any doubt or operational criticality related to the application of the aforementioned measures to the Eni contractual manager of reference.

Suppliers are required to follow all the provisions set out in chapter 5.6 of the MERP concerning the management of "suspected cases", "confirmed cases", "close contacts" as indicated in Table 2 including the conditions for access to company sites.

For any information, clarifications or reports regarding the Coronavirus emergency:

