Terms and Conditions
eniSpace terms and conditions

General conditions of use of eniSpace

The following conditions (hereinafter 'General Conditions') apply to the use of all the services (hereinafter the 'Services'), identified and briefly described in Art 1 below, offered by Eni S.p.A., corporate offices in Piazza Enrico Mattei 1, Rome (hereinafter 'Eni S.p.A.'' or 'Eni'), the company that owns the portal identified by the URL https://esupplier.eni.com (hereinafter 'the Supplier Portal').

1. Identification of the Services
The Services accessible through the Supplier Portal are currently identified as follows:
a) “Application”, in order to present a company to become Eni supplier, specifying commodity areas of interest.
b) “Tender Process”, to take part in Eni electronic tenders.
c) “Contracts”, to have a set of information and useful tools available during the lifecycle of a contract with Eni, such as electronic catalogues management and application order management.
d) “Electronic Invoicing”, to manage online invoices addressed to Eni and to companies of Eni Group for which the service is active, through two alternative modes: manual uploading and Application-to-Application integration with the Eni IT system; the service also provides Company Data Management, the view of the invoices and of related payment statuses.

Eni may extend the range of services by communicating with users on the Supplier Portal. In this case these General Conditions will also apply to all successive Services as may, from time to time, be identified.

2. Provision of Services
Even though Users may access and use Services that are not subject to any form of payment, the User agrees to the following:
a) Eni S.p.A. may at any time suspend or definitively interrupt the provision of Services, in whole or in part;
b) Use of the Services is at the User's own risk and responsibility;
c) Services provided to the User are not subject to any form of payment in the form in which they are found, and without any guarantee of validity, accuracy or continuity;
d) Eni S.p.A. does not guarantee that the Services will correspond to the requirements of the User, or that they shall be uninterrupted, convenient, secure or without errors;
e) Eni S.p.A. does not guarantee the results that are expected, hoped for or obtained from the use of the Services;
f) The Services provided by Eni do not include those related to telecommunications (including the data transmission services via internet); the acquisition of such telecommunication services must be made autonomously by the User;
g) The Services may not be supported by any of the commercially available browsers and/or operating systems or some versions of the same. It is therefore the User's responsibility to identify the correct combination of software and hardware to provide an adequate degree of useful access to the Services.

3. Access to Services
Access to the Services is subject to registration using the form that appears on the opening page. Eni S.p.A. asks Users to provide some personal details. The treatment of such details will be made in accordance with the Legislative Decree 196/2003 (Code for the protection of personal information).

Upon registration, an email will be sent to the e-mail address provided by the User in the personal information. The text states the present general conditions of contract and information, containing a confirmation request of data confirmation, of aforementioned conditions acceptance and of treatment approval. The confirmation e-mail by the User, thus authenticated, will have the value of information document signed with digital signature in accordance with the art.6 of the Legislative Decree 10/2002  

With the acceptance of the General conditions, the User will declare that the data provided is up to date, correct and true. The User's password and username are personal and may not be ceded to others. The User will be responsible for ensuring that the password and username remain secret and available for the User's use only.

4. Changes to the General Conditions
Users expressly authorize Eni S.p.A. to communicate, using the user's e-mail address, eventual changes to the General Conditions and any eventual particular conditions, that will constitute the contractual terms for the provision of Services. Users agree to print or copy in an adequate form and to retain the General Conditions and all subsequent changes that may be applied. The use of even one Service by the User will be taken as a confirmation of acceptance of: the General Conditions, any particular condition, and all subsequent changes that may be applied.

5. User's personal identification and security; waiver
The User agrees to make only authorized use of his username and/or password and not to infringe security. The User accepts total responsibility for all actions taken by using the Services, and accepts that Eni S.p.A. cannot be held responsible for any claims or threat deriving from the use or abuse of his utilization of the Services.
The password must contain a minimum of 8 characters, must contain at least one alphanumeric and/or special character and, in case of change, must not be the same as the previous two. After 180 days of inactivity and lack of access by the user, the account will be automatically blocked.

6. Intellectual and industrial property rights in relation to the Supplier Portal and its Services
The User expressly recognizes that all intellectual property rights, for example, know how, source codes, software, hardware, projects, applications, patents, industrial secrets, formulae, algorithms, models, data bases or similar, related to the Services, the data and all other material coming from Eni or, in any case, made available to the User by Eni S.p.A. by virtue of the General Conditions, remain the exclusive property of Eni S.p.A., and that no rights, except that of the exclusively personal use in line with the terms of the General Conditions, are given to the Users concerning the above.

7. Prohibition of the sale or commercial use of the Services
The User's right to the utilization of the Services is personal and may not be ceded to other persons. The User may access Services as an individual for purely personal use and, in any case, not for gain, profit or any other economic end. The User may not use any of the extracted contents in intellectual works. Users may not reproduce, publish, distribute, create a data base, translate, adapt, duplicate, copy, sell, subject to framing or deep linking, resell or in any way exploit for commercial purposes, gain or profit the services, either whole or in part, including the use of or access to the Services.

8. Links
Eni may provide links to other sites or other internet resources. The User understands and accepts that Eni has no control over the content of such sites and as a mere third party is not in any way responsible for the content and/or material, also publicity material, distributed on such sites or external resources, including products and services offered on them. Such products and services can not be considered in any way to be sponsored, shared or supported by Eni S.p.A. and consequently the User is solely responsible for any eventual purchases made of such products and services.

9. Limitations of responsibility
In view of the free provision of Services, Eni S.p.A. declines any responsibility for eventual claims by the User concerning the impossibility of use of Services for whatever reason. Eni S.p.A. will not be responsible for any eventual claim for damages, compensation or loss, direct or indirect, suffered by the User as a result of the non- or defective functioning of the electronic apparatus of the User or of third parties, including Internet Service Providers, telecom and/or computer connections not directly managed by Eni S.p.A. or persons for which it is responsible. Eni S.p.A. can not be held responsible for damages resulting from:
a) a failure to provide Services resulting from the wrong or lack of functioning of the electronic means of communication for reasons outwith the bounds of the company's control, including, for example, fire, natural disasters, energy blackout, non-availability of telephone lines or other suppliers of network services, malfunctioning of computers and other electronic appliances, also those that are not an integral part of the internet, malfunction of the programs installed on the computer by the User;
b) deriving from the actions of other users or other persons with access to the internet.

10. Authorized use and waiver
The User undertakes to use the Services exclusively for authorized purposes by current legislation, accepted practice, the rules of diligence and in any case without impinging or infringing the rights of any third party, whether a user or not of communication media, and paying particular attention to regulations governing the protection of data, the laws governing intellectual and industrial property rights, the protection of personal data, current legislation concerning computer crime and regulations concerning telecommunications. Users are wholly responsible for the content of messages and texts sent by them and recognize that they are the sole responsible and that neither Eni S.p.A. nor any person and/or company connected to it for claims for damages or other resulting from actions by third parties for damages caused by the Users or person authorized by the Users to access the Services.

Eni S.p.A.
Headquarters: Rome, Piazzale Enrico Mattei, 1
Capital Stock as of September 19, 2005: € 4,005,358,876.00 fully paid
Registro Imprese di Roma, Codice Fiscale 00484960588
Part. IVA 00905811006
R.E.A. Roma n. 756453

Last updated on 16/04/2018