We support the sustainable development of companies in the energy supply chain
The Basket Bond Program - Sustainable Energy

Eni's strategy envisages the achievement, in the medium and long term, of clear and challenging objectives that are consistent with the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals.

Sustainable development represents an extraordinary opportunity for transformation and growth for all companies: it requires vision, transparent and inclusive corporate culture, planning and propensity for innovation, ability to invest in technology and commitment to generate social and economic value protecting the planet.

Eni believes in the value of the companies that make up the energy supply chain and promotes commitment to the energy transition by stimulating the participation of all businesses, particularly SMEs.

In a rapidly and constantly evolving scenario, in which environmental, social and economic aspects are increasingly relevant to competitiveness, companies need to identify and implement concrete solutions to improve the sustainability of their business models: reducing atmospheric emissions, digitising processes, achieving energy efficiency, training new skills, and ensuring health and safety are needs common to all energy companies.

In order to support and facilitate the realisation of projects and investments, enabling companies to keep pace with the changes taking place, Eni has launched, with Elite and illimity Bank, the "Basket Bond - Sustainable Energy" program, an innovative financial instrument that allows access to the capital market at advantageous conditions and in ways that are alternative to traditional banking channels.

Companies in the energy supply chain, participating in the Open-es digital platform, can learn more about how to join the initiative by accessing the following link: https://www.elite-network.com/it/energia-sostenibile
